Geronimo Page 15
75 Turks. (SMB)
76 Ferris wheel. (SMB)
77 Shooting the Chute. (SMB)
78 Iggorrotes from the Philippines. (SMB)
79 The reader should recall here that Geronimo was not without guile. His statements about white culture often have the appearance of cutting several ways. (FT)
80 Geronimo was also taken to both the Omaha and the Buffalo Expositions, but during that period of his life he was sullen and took no interest in things. The St. Louis Exposition was held after he had adopted the Christian religion and had begun to try to understand our civilization. (SMB)
81 The use of the word “primitive” here, a favorite pejorative term of whites to describe other cultures, makes one suspect that either translator Daklugie or Barrett substituted this word for something like “old” or “original.” What follows is a faithful depiction of the relatively unorganized state of the Chiricahuas’ cosmography. (FT)
82 This dream vision was a standard one among the Chiricahuas and serves to remind us of the various and profound ways in which a culture influences the minds of its people. (FT)
83 Geronimo joined the Dutch Reformed church and was baptized in the summer of 1903. He attends the services regularly at the Apache Mission, Ft. Sill Military Reservation. (SMB)
Later Geronimo was expelled from the church for incessant gambling. (FT)
84 Mr. George Wratton is now at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, acting as Superintendent of Apaches. He has been with the Apaches as interpreter and superintendent since their surrender. (SMB)
85 Dr. Leonard Wood, later Army Chief of Staff. (FT)
86 Recently Mr. Melton told Geronimo of this conversation. The wily old chief laughed slyly and said, “What if Prewitt’s pistol had been knocked out of his hand? Other men have tried to shoot me and at least some of them failed. But I’m glad he didn’t try it.” (SMB)
87 These field glasses were taken from soldiers and officers (Mexicans and Americans) whom the Apaches had killed. (SMB)
88 This was a stick nest built on top of the ground by a species of woods rat. (SMB)